Fine Arts Club

To promote knowledge of the fine arts through various activities, events, and performances. To involve the entire 十大网赌软件推荐 community in the immersion and enjoyment of theatre, art, music, dance, and architecture.


Glen Richardson
 Vice President
Melani Miller
Vice President
Ashlyn Spence
Cheryl Sola





Tammy Parks
Tammy Parks


Pie Day for three lucky 十大网赌软件推荐 faculty and Interim President Charlie White got to “deliver” the prize! A canned food drive by the Fine Arts Club and art organization Kappa Pi (pun not intended) became a contest with a three-way tie between David Filer, Bill Friedl and Wes Adcock. Over 1,100 cans were collected and will be distributed in 十大网赌软件推荐’s service region.


Section 1:

New River Community College Fine Arts Club will be the official name. Hereafter in the constitution it shall be abbreviated as 十大网赌软件推荐 Fine Arts Club.

Section 2: Purpose/Mission

The Mission of 十大网赌软件推荐 Fine Arts Club is to promote knowledge of the fine arts through various activities, events, and performances. We seek to involve the entire 十大网赌软件推荐 community in immersion and enjoyment of theatre, art, music, dance and architecture as a vehicle for entertainment and as a vehicle for education. Activities, events, and performances of the club include, but are not limited to, conducting and hosting workshops, producing student-directed performances for the 十大网赌软件推荐 community and the surrounding service area, sharing and building portfolios, attending performances , concerts, recitals, visiting galleries, attending festivals and sponsoring professionals to come and speak on campus about careers in the Fine Arts.

2A: We commit to following the mission of New River Community College and will respect its policies and guidelines. We submit to the governing voice of New River Community College’s administration regarding any and all activities and endeavors.

Section 3: Affiliation

At this time the 十大网赌软件推荐 Fine Arts Club is not affiliated with any regional/national organizations.

Section 1: Eligibility for Membership

十大网赌软件推荐 Fine Arts Club is open to any student registered at New River Community College.

Section 2: Voting Member Criteria

A student becomes a voting member upon joining the club. To keep voting rights, the member must take an active part in the club by attending/participating in at least 5 meetings/activities/events sponsored by the club during the school year based upon attendance taken at the meetings/activities/events.

Section 3: Removal of Members

The process to remove any member who is not in good standing with the club is as follows: the student whose membership is in question will receive an email notification from the club secretary two weeks prior to the meeting which has on its agenda the vote for removal. If the student would like to remain in the club, he/she may notify the club secretary who will bring this request to the club officers for consideration.

Section 1: Officer Qualifications

The qualifications a student must have to be eligible to be an officer are as follows: GPA of at least 2.0, willingness to commit themselves to the duties of his or her position, and must have some knowledge and a love of the fine arts. All officers must be current 十大网赌软件推荐 students and must comply with 十大网赌软件推荐 policies and procedures. See Article IV for Election procedures.

Section 2: Elected Officers

The positions in the club are President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Section 3: Duties of Officers

Terms of office will be the academic year, beginning in fall semester, unless there is knowledge of only being able to serve one semester, in which case two people will be elected for that position, one to serve in the fall semester and one to serve the spring semester.

The Duties of officers are as follows:

President: plan and lead activities at meetings with Vice-President, preside at meetings, call special meetings, primary contact with club members, runs the election process.

Vice-President: plan and lead activities at meetings with President, assume President’s duties in his/her absence, schedule meeting/practice rooms/facilities, plans member/officer training programs.

Secretary: takes and distributes minutes of all club meetings, recorder keeper (current and past members, files minutes, etc), club historian, notify members of meetings, handles the official correspondence of the club, maintains club website.

Treasurer: keeps all financial records, submits monthly audit statements to The Office of Student Activities (this is a mandatory requirement if you receive 十大网赌软件推荐 funds), notifies organization of financial issues, prepares budget/allocation requests.

Section 4: Vacancy in Office

In the event a vacancy should occur (resignation or removal); provisions will be made to fill the vacancy. In the event that the President leaves office, the Vice President will assume those duties until a special election is held. See the special election section of Article IV.

Section 5: Removal of Officers

A petition to remove the officer in question must be submitted to another officer after consultation with the club advisor. This petition must contain the signatures of 50% of voting members. When such petition is received, the President (or Vice-President if the student President is in question) shall call a meeting of the club to determine whether or not the officer should be removed. Grounds for removal are to be presented by the officer in charge at a regular or special club meeting. The officer in question shall be provided an opportunity to present a defense either in person or in writing. A quorum shall be present, and a simple majority vote of the voting members shall decide upon removal.

Section 6: Appeal of Removal of Officers:

To appeal the club’s decision, a removed officer may petition for reinstatement after consultation with all the club officers and club advisor.

Section 1: Nomination Process

Officer candidates will be nominated by club members or through self-nomination at the election meeting.

Section 2: Election

Elections are held at the designated election meeting to be held on or before April 1st.The Office of Student Activities will be notified of the new officers before April 10th.

Election procedures are as followed: nominated officer candidates will give a brief speech to the club as to their motivations and intentions to becoming a club officer, after all the candidates for a specific position speak, a vote by secret ballot shall be taken, the candidate with the most votes will become the officer for that position. This process will be repeated for each officer position. A quorum will be present at the elections meeting. A person may serve a maximum of two terms in a particular position.

Section 3: Special Elections

Within "4" weeks of vacancy occurring a new officer must be elected. The same procedures from Section 2 are to be followed, with dates revised as appropriate.

Section 2: Duties

The advisors duties are as follows: explain institutional policy/procedure to club officers, provide continuity for the club from year to year, act as a resource to the group, attend programs that may have liability/risk for the institutions, intervene when knowledge of activity contrary to 十大网赌软件推荐 policy occur, attend some meetings/activities. There will be multiple advisors for the 十大网赌软件推荐 Fine Arts clubs representing the disciplines of architecture, art, dance, music and theatre. Advisors will share responsibilities in an equitable manner and will rotate the requirement to attend club meetings.

Section 1:

Regular Meeting/Club Activities Regular club meetings will be held every three weeks.

Section 2: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called in order to accommodate specific activities, discuss certain club information, and as needed. The process used to call these meetings will be by email.

Section 3: Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order will be the guide for meetings.

Section 4: Quorum

All present constitute a quorum.

Section 1:

Committee Structure
Committees will be formed as necessary to plan and organize club activities/events. A volunteer club member will become the committee chair.

Article VIII: Finances

Section 1: Co-Funding Board

The club will apply for 十大网赌软件推荐 monies and if allocated resources, the club will follow all 十大网赌软件推荐 and institutional regulations.

Section 2: Honorariums

Officers or members will not receive an honorarium/stipend from the organization.

Section 1: Co-Funding Board

The club will apply for 十大网赌软件推荐 monies and if allocated resources, the club will follow all 十大网赌软件推荐 and institutional regulations.

Section 2: Honorariums

Officers or members will not receive an honorarium/stipend from the organization.

Section 1: Ratification

The process to be used regarding proposed constitutional amendments: A petition for an amendment will be brought to the club officers who will add the proposed amendment to the agenda. Proposed amendments to the constitution will be sent to the membership in advance of the meeting where a vote on the amendment will take place. At a regularly scheduled meeting the vote on the amendment will take place. A quorum of voting members must be present and 80% of those in attendance must vote for the amendment. If the amendment is passed, the change will take place as soon as the Office of Student Activities approves the amendment.

Section 2: Submittal to Office of Student Activities:

Any changes made to this constitution must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities.

The Fine Arts Club admits students without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and other activities, generally accorded or made available to members of the organization.

The Fine Arts Club considers hazing to be a degrading and destructive activity which is inconsistent with the standards of this student organization. The 十大网赌软件推荐 Fine Arts Club recognizes the dignity of every person and opposes all forms of hazing.